USABILITY FIX: vertical bar/line charts > horizontal bar charts > pie charts

3 votes

Can you please update the visuals to use less confusing pie charts and more bar charts and line graphs?

Humans are wired to see HEIGHT better than LENGTH better than ANGLES

PIE: They only [confusingly] tell me, "That's a big pie slice and that's a small slice." But I have no idea *by how much.*

HORIZONTAL BAR: They somewhat tell me, "A is longer than B by about double." So it tells me *by how much* visually.

It's useful if you've got *many rows of data* you want to show (about 5+ rows).

VERTICAL BAR or LINE GRAPH: This clearly tells me, "A is taller than B by about... 25% or so." So it tells me *by how much* visually.

It's useful if you've got *few rows of data* you want to show (<5 rows).

Under consideration Suggested by: Thanh Upvoted: 11 Nov, '19 Comments: 0

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